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Tech: Clarify and collaborate

Published:  11 November, 2024

Sustainability has without a doubt become a cornerstone of the modern wine industry. In just a few short years, this unifying topic has seen disparate parts of the supply chain seemingly reach a consensus that the upward march of change must occur in all parts of the sector – and fast. How to achieve this, however, is less clear. 


Bordeaux Index announces record sales growth in 2021

Published:  19 January, 2022

Leading fine wine and spirits merchant Bordeaux Index posted a record sales value of $174m (£128m)in 2021, with turnover rising by almost 50% year on year.


Jerry Lockspeiser: On Jeremy Clarkson, margins and the ‘middleman’ dog whistle

Published:  22 December, 2021

In case anyone missed it, Jeremy Clarkson has recently launched his own beer brand, Hawkstone. The lager is made with barley grown on his Cotswolds farm. Exposed to the workings of the supply chain, Clarkson was reportedly aghast at the difference between the £205 per tonne he received for his barley and the £580 paid by the brewers to the middleman.


Jerry Lockspeiser: The wine and book markets are eerily similar

Published:  02 February, 2021

What can wine learn from other sectors of the economy? How do they add value to their products, communicate with consumers, achieve profitability?